Last night I made a simple LED PWM circuit using the conductive glue from the other day. It uses the super cheap and robust PIC12F675 to do two channels of software pulse width modulation (PWM). The PIC runs at 4MHz and uses Timer0 for the PWM and Timer1 to move in new “frames”. The “video” is stored in EEPROM. You can download the source code as well as HI-TIDE PICC project files and compiled binaries: Paper Circuit 2 Source (1677). Below you will find some pictures of the circuit through out the construction process, as well as some video of its final operation at 3.0V with no wires and at 4.5V with wires added.
- Testing the PWM software on the PIC12F675 before gluing it to the circuit.
- Initial placement of the PIC and sketch of circuit layout.
- PIC has been glued down and the inital traces to its pins have been added.
- LEDs have been added, and the resistors (82ohm) are in position.
- The finished circuit (still drying) before the addition of any wires.
- The finished circuit after wires had been added to improve the trace quality.
- The circuit is being power by 4.5V.